DARE BC Society

D.A.R.E. BC Society Gives Back

Last Saturday, February 24th, the D.A.R.E. BC volunteers got together for a special event to make a small, but meaningful difference. Over 30 of our dedicated volunteers gave up their time on a snowy Saturday to prepare sandwiches for individuals in need.

Upwards of 30 D.A.R.E. BC volunteers that came to help with our event.

In total over 500 sandwiches were prepared and distributed to those in need. The teamwork and passion for making a difference was evident in all those that attended.


Our busy volunteers that made 500 sandwiches for those in need

The event was well accepted by those that attended and we even received a donation towards the D.A.R.E. Program from a Downtown Vancouver resident. The majority of our work is based on preventive upstream initiatives, but we believe in demonstrating to D.A.R.E. Graduates that our society is dedicated to helping others beyond their graduation from the D.A.R.E. program.

We dared to make a difference last Saturday and hope that all of our members will take the opportunity to pay it forward to someone who is currently in a vulnerable situation. If you are interested in volunteering with our program please take the time to contact us for more information.


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